Welcome to my website!
Hi, and welcome to my website! Here you can find out about my latest books, my upcoming projects and even get in touch if you feel so inclined.
Thank you for stopping by; I hope you enjoy your visit, and don't forget to subscribe to my newsletter, "Stuff!" to keep up with my writing projects!
September 22, 2024
There's a new map in the Behind the Scenes section! It's not related to the Five Worlds series (more pics and maps from that series will coming soon!) Instead, this is the map of the world where my fantasy MS, "Two Guys In A Tower" is set. I debated about whether or not to upload it for a long time, then I thought, "Why not?" If you're curious, take a look!
September 12, 2024
​So here's the thing: I love hearing from my readers, but today I had to make the hard decision to remove my official email address from this site, as I was getting too much spam or signed up to various marketing lists without my consent. You can still get in touch with me via the chat box or the contact form.
Please note: any message of any kind trying to sell me book marketing services will be deleted unanswered.
June 21, 2024
Dante's new design for Project Tau is now live (or will be as soon as Amazon publishes it!) I've wanted to ask him to redo Tau for a long time, as that was the only design he didn't work on from the beginning. Now it's done and looking just as awesome as the others!​​